Orange FR offers the possibility of price 710 Lumia Nokia. The device is not yet available online, but of course, when prices confirmed the device will eventually be released by the mobile operator.
Price options Origami plans include or smart packaging, but there is also option to unlocked.
Plans for origami
1 € to 49 €/month from 39 EUR/plan89 EUR plan49 EUR month of 29 EUR/month plan109 EUR from 21 EUR/month € plan149 less than 21 euro/month plansThe contract free option is less attractive. The licensee is required to pay 278 euros (about 300), which is more than EUR 35, offer Rogers in Canada — 194 EUR (about $ 255).The price is not that bad, but not that much will customers are willing to pay the price for this is not a smartphone of high quality. It will still take a while to 900 Aurel in France. So let's wait and see what the message will be.