Friday, December 3, 2010

Symbian OS is the most widely used platform in accordance with the Royal Pingdom

Royal Pingdom, a company for the collection of large amounts of data around the world in many economic models, interesting this time that it comes from a review of. They collected data on multiple mobile operating systems using StatCounter and they have requested which platforms are the most commonly used in every continent.

Think and the main objective of the researchers was the IOS and Symbian with iPod Touch iOS models to compare in the mixture, I think this is a bit unfair. Although they are portable mobile device operating system, but you must agree with me iPod its mobile phones.

If we look at the tables, we see that of the continent all dominant operating system changes, for example, the most popular is the Symbian platform, which is expected, such as the Nokia has the highest percentage of the sale. But this "by" came to the Nokia due to the high capacity utilisation in Africa, Asia and South America, while people live in Australia, Europe and North America preferred Device iOS system, let's say from RTM API.

I must mention again that this research is based on the traffic on the Web, not the number of units. This data is however enough to understand that Nokia and Apple the world were divided into two parts.

View the original article here

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