Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden's House in Winter

For those of you who were isolated from the rest of the world, Osama Bin Laden is a terrorist.

He is Dr. death, international.

He sits on a rock on top of a mountain high and think and think and think. What he's thinking is this: How can I kill all Muslims and all non-Muslims in the world so that we can fulfill the will of the Koran that the world has a great sign that can still be seen from space (to prevent non-Muslim astronauts) that reads: MUSLIMS ONLY!

When asked if Osama worked for the CIA or whether the CIA had contacted Osama Bin Laden, the CIA said, no. Numerous comments in the media recently has reiterated a widely distributed but incorrect notion that the CIA had a relationship with Osama Bin Laden. For the record, you should know that the CIA never employed, paid or held any direct relationship with Bin Laden. See: [].

I you would like to know that. The spokesman did not say what was off the record.

The FBI and the CIA spell Osama, Usama. They have to be accurate in such things.

Call it what you want.

I call it a pig coward who kills the defenseless men, women and children, including his own people, and also small animal creatures that may or may not occupy embassies and office buildings.

The FBI and the CIA are outside get Osama.

The reward for his capture is five million dollars.

I intend to collect that reward for telling everyone exactly where he is.

The CIA can hire criminals and other unsavory characters in search of Bin Laden.

Here is what they said, officers of the CIA now can establish a relationship with such individuals without prior approval of the CIA headquarters, where there is a reasonable probability that people have access to information about threats to the United States and its allies. Has been delegated authority to approve the establishment of such relations the CIA field managers, but provisions to maintain the headquarters of the CIA informed such decisions shall remain in effect. Ibid

Ibid mean go to [], again, unless you've read the Declaration of the CIA.

The above is given as a public service to individuals only hardcore that can't get hired because of their criminal nature and unpleasant. The CIA may have a job for you!

For that we are all in the same terrain, let s look at the CIA's definition of terrorism found in the same reference: intelligence community is guided by the definition of terrorism contained in the US code title 22, section 2656f (d) The following:

The term terrorism means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against targets by subnational groups entirely or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.

The term international terrorism means terrorism involving the territory or citizens of more than one country.

The term terrorist group means any group that practices, or have significant subgroups that practise international terrorism.

Now we know that Lin Laden is just trying to get an audience!

We also know that we have to go to be safe for Osama:


The following are some comments from Bin Laden's mouth as the ABC reporter John Miller in May 1998 his interview an hour duration with Osama Bin Laden was in his mountaintop camp in southern Afghanistan. The interview took place a little over two months before the bombing of Al Qaeda truck two u.s. embassies in East Africa. The URL reference

"The American needed everybody. The Americans accuse our children in Palestine to be terrorist-children, who have not yet reached maturity and without weapons. At the same time, the Americans defend a country, the State of Jews who have a policy to destroy the future of these children.

"We are sure of our victory against the Americans and the Jews as promised by the Prophet: day of the trial should not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, where the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, and the tree and the stone will speak and say, ' Muslim, behind me is a Jew. Come and kill him. ' "

If you're a Jew, DON T hide behind trees or rocks!

Osama or Usama for enthusiasts of the FBI and CIA was born into a wealthy family and humble that contracted with the Government of Saudi Arabia to build roads and structures. They had large construction projects in Mecca.

That's where Osama is now:


I've said this over the past few years on my sites, but no one believes me.

Osama tiptoed along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border until it reached Iran. Then he jumped a fishing boat to Saudi Arabia.

From there to get to Mecca was a blink of an eye. He rode in a Rolls Royce and was served lemonade and sis kabob.

I was there as a tourist (disguised as a Muslim, of course) when he vigorously jumped off the rolls.

He said, Man, I'm happy to be back! In winter the mountains of Pakistan, it's cooler, then a digger s and butt in Klondike! ?

Now I know that the FBI and the CIA are not allowed in Mecca.

You must be a Muslim.

But I still want my five million dollars?

Copyright © 2005 John t. Jones, Ph.d.

T John. Jones Ph.d,. (, a retired University professor and former executive editor of an international journal of engineering. To learn more about the wealthy affiliate University will go to their site information. If you want a flagpole to fly Old Glory, go to the business website.

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Business Site:

Osama swung the election

With all the noise about undecided voters in the U.S. during the summer of 2004, it is safe to assume more than two percent were undecided a few weeks before the election. Among the decideds, a number equal to or greater than swung their votes at the drop of a hat. Usama came on TV and told them that do not support George Bush. Then they went to the polls and have proven their patriotism, doing exactly what Osama expected them to do. So why Osama wants this President re-elected?

The fact is that the war against terrorism is the best thing that ever happened to Osama, Pakistan, and George Bush, who share many secret agreements between them. This has been the case since November 2001, when Pakistan, George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Tommy Franks agreed to airlift up to 4000 members of Al Qaeda from the city of Konduz, Afghanistan. security in Pakistan. Another 4000 members of Al Qaeda were allowed to head for the border on the ground. Where are they now? Spain? France? Germany? Holland? England? Canada? Mexico? Iraq? Who cares?

This treason, high treason, was reported in the news of revised, now with PBS Bill Moyers, Friday, 21 February 2003 and must have reached over two million viewers. The drums of war are beating loudly for the invasion of Iraq, so the fact is, Commander in Chief of America has betrayed not only the American people and the armed forces, but a world of suffering is not possible to resolve conflicts without violence. This demonstrates the whole war on terrorism a huge fraud to increase the size, cost and power of Governments around the globe. This is of no interest to anyone that I know of. Who is there to say no thanks?

If you belong to the Republican party, you can now get away with murder, are innocent victims in Iraq, u.s. military forces or foreign captives. Isn't that exciting-intoxicants? War isn't great? It makes you proud to vote? Can you guess who will pay the price of these crimes, done on behalf of democracy, freedom and American security?

No single person in all Islam has done more to recruit and ignite the terrorists than George w. Bush in the past three years. And Osama in hiding the last three years, if not in Pakistan? So why Osama wants someone other than George Bush as President of the United States? To save the most precious American lives? Of course, this is what he says in his videos, but don't believe it for a minute. It would be unpatriotic to believe an enemy, isn't it? Of course it would. It doesn't matter if your enemy speaks any truth, is his duty to ignore him or call him a liar. Good boy! Good girl!

Osama has spoken frankly America since he was important enough to attract foreign media attention. Ask any reporter in corporate fascist mass media Amerikan why George Bush was re-elected, and they will tell you. Is the war against terrorism, dummy. John Kerry can't be trusted to do the same BANG up job that George Bush is doing to protect us, such as big brothers are supposed to do. It is more honest admission, you will never hear of them. Osama tells the truth, knowing that honesty is not a value that is important in an election. He can sleep with a clear conscience and without fear of George Bush.

Osama has been very kind and gentle in its relations with America. America has sold truth by appearances and his soul for your lifestyle. And there is health in us. America could elect a President more appropriate than a traitor who is sacrificing children than to the great God Molech, on behalf of freedom and democracy.

America needs humility more willingly as the rest of the world sees so clearly. His humility can come only by violent force because his arrogance ignorant progressed beyond mitigation self. Hang on-the party barely started. One who loves correct us.

We are the great Satan has been labeled nodes. It is the only thing we can think to say about it. Who, us? We are the greatest nation on Earth, and if you say otherwise we kill him! Never once occur to us that other people can see us as we are. We have no problem of self-image. We have a problem of moral substance. As Sodom, we need a lawyer like Abraham to intercede for our ten righteous men – all to no avail. Or maybe I'm wildly exaggerating the problem, don't you wish?

Spoke of Osama and Washington ignored as was his habit. He sent us a wake up call. Washington invaded Iraq. The rest of us tapped the button on our snooze alarm. Our message to Osama? That is the best you got? Aren't we clever? We don't need a serious ass kicking? Is the path.

Ed Howes sought and found. knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit , or do a search by author here at Ezine articles.

Why I want to be Osama Bin Laden is advertising

Shortly before the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden released a new videotape.

Osama has recently launched a message asking for new attacks.

The hype around the new release of Osama tapes got me to thinking-if Osama was a rap star or film actor big like Tom Cruise, I would probably be the planet's richest advertising. So rich I would buy oil from around the world and sell it in beautiful little bottles in the shop 99 cents.

It seems that it would be a typical client ... always wanting the world to hear what he has to say. And he would always be coming up with some new idea or theory for me to disclose. Like most celebrity clients, he would be a little difficult to get on the phone.

It doesn't matter if people like me or not, because it would be holding the key to the voice of the planet's most notorious person. Imagine it. This guy releases a new tape almost every year and if it was available on iTunes, it would make a killing (not literally). It changes the colour of his beard and people watch. Osama is actually the new Britney Spears.

And just like Britney, sometime people already won't pay attention to what he has to say and who knows, one day a videotape Osama only can flop. But nothing happens until Osama walks the red carpet in a hideous equipment. But then, that would be new, news, right?

Prada Jones is a former journalist and writes a blog diary about how brand recognition and name move quickly online, on television, in print and in all possible media platforms with a voice entertaining, bold. Check out his blog at []

9/11: where is Osama bin Laden?

I was minding my own business grill some burgers Omaha steak ® in my ® George Foreman Grill when my neighbor nosey, Fred, came through the gate of the yard. He would be visiting their children at Los Cruces and it still smells like my burgers and come charging back to Idaho.

Fred always makes inane questions when he is waiting for a burger. I have to answer things damaged houses.

Question: when was the September 11?

Answer: it was in 2001.

Q. what long? How long can we know who was responsible for the attacks?

R. Since 2001.

Question: and who was responsible?

R. Osama bin Laden.

A. what we did to capture Osama bin Laden and his gang?

R. I mentioned a gang? We attacked Afghanistan and Iraq.

Q. we received as Liberators and heroes?

R. evil! Who ever suggested that?

R. Dick Cheney, duck, pheasant, quail and Hunter lawyer! And in which countries did evil come from?

The Saudi Arabia and its neighbors.

Q. did the attacking Afghanistan and Iraq do the trick?

R. n. Afghanistan increased significantly their opium production, but Iraq has been poor in deadly confusion. Now seems to be an insurgency in Afghanistan again. Americans are dying all the time.

Question: so what is plan B?

R. land area of the world is approximately 16 times that of the United States. With more than six billion people you would think we could find a guy simply by offering a reward. The State Department is offering a reward of 25 million dollars.

I told everyone on the Internet (well, at least those who read my garbage) that Osama bin Laden is drinking lemonade in Mecca. Why can't we just go there and take it? Then, the State Department can give me my $ 25 million.

Question: so there is no plan B?

A. no! I think not. After the plan to everyone in Washington not only withdrew. But I still say go to Mecca!

Q. is it really that simple, Taylor Jones writer hack?

A. perhaps not, Fred. But we sure as hell have covered Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Question: it seems that attack countries instead of hiring a good detective agency does not resolve the issue.

A. don't worry! Osama bin Laden was born in 1957. Adding 70 years-he is in very good health walks-he everything will die around 2027. This is only 21 years away. No time at all!

Q. wasn't Osama bin Laden an ally during the war in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union?

R.! The CIA loves the guy.

Q. why shouldn't I think the CIA is giving it coverage?

A. because it would be nice.

Q. How do I not know Osama bin Laden did not go to Sweden and have a sex change operation?

A. you don't? You saw it?

Q. How do I not know Osama bin Laden was seen in Beverly Hills away from the Office of a prominent plastic surgeon?

A. you're getting hotter by the minute. All girls from Mecca love their curly hair.

Q. are not the burgers about done?

R. Grab a plate, Fred!

Copyright © 2006 John t. Jones, Ph.d.

T John. Jones Ph.d,. (, a retired University professor and former executive editor of an international journal of engineering. To learn more about the wealthy affiliate University will go to their site information. If you want a flagpole to fly Old Glory, go to the business website.

More information:

Business Site:

George Bush Debate is Osama Bin Laden on Viagra

Imagine that there are 6 years you transformed Manhattan into a cloud of smoke, inferno overthrew 2 skyscrapers and killed 3000 Americans, took out the Pentagon and sent all the Washington politicians running the Capitol and the White House. Now imagine that the combined forces of the United States military, CIA and FBI including lasers and space satellite photography that can see it hidden inside a Coke can in your carry luggage and then take him without even grazing the sandwich lies packed neatly beside him are ordered by United States President George Bush to meet him and take him dead or alive. Furthermore, imagine that there is a price of $ 50 million on its head. Where on earth would you hide? You would be able to avoid capture for 6 years and then issuing claims wide world on You Tube with more hits than Britney Spears led to its opening the MTV Video Awards?

They say that Karl Rove is gone, but not the President of the United States George Bush has his phone number? How did the debate "where are Iraq's WMD?" to "is Osama bin Laden on Viagra"? This recasting the Debate Iraq smell so playing Rovian politics that Swift Boating ads seem tame in comparison. According to former waitress, Advisor for dormitory and now George Bush's Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend Fargos, "Osama bin Laden is a man on the run, a cave, whose virtually impotent than these tapes."

George Bush is the puppet master of puppets. President Bush used his puppet Frances Fargo Townsend leave message from the Administration that even President Bush has managed to capture Osama bin Laden, for 6 years, the United States have sued Osama bin Laden, impotent, and the American people have nothing to fear from Osama bin Laden or his Al-Qaida group. In fact, claims administration, "Osama bin Laden is powerless". Harvey Levin of TMZ already recorded Osama bin Laden starring a new movie with Jenna Jameson called "Do America" to refute this claim against Muslim more crass popular since the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

David Petraeus is now saying the House and the Senate of the United States cannot leave Iraq because if they do so the Al-Qaida and Iran will end up owning the Iraq. In other words, General David Petraeus is saying that 6 years after the September 11, Osama bin Laden is omnipotent, as if he held patents on Viagra and Cialis.

Who is right, General David Petraeus or Frances Fragos Townsend? Is Osama bin Laden powerless or omnipotent? Well, given that there are 6 years ago we were all told that Osama bin Laden suffered kidney failure and dialysis daily need to clean your blood one must suspect that bin Laden is impotent. Are the kidneys and the bladder not connected somehow to the urethra? The champion of the word of God is not going to a colonoscopy now that he has turned 50? Is the surgeon Ayman al-Zawahiri out prescription pads for viagra? Is Osama bin Laden ordering viagra online of any company in the United Kingdom that has the pills made in India and then sent anywhere in the world in a brown paper envelope? It is one of the side effects of viagra younger looking facial hair?

Karen Fish is a writer who currently lives in Los Angeles (California). The temple http://www.thetempleoflove.comlove

America and Osama Bin Laden

It is difficult to say with assurance that Osama Bin Laden don't like extremely Americans.

US presence in the Middle East

Army presence in the Arabian Peninsula, is known for being the most important condition related to your hatred against Americans. He became especially enraged with the time when the United States of America to send his army in the Holy land for Muslims, Saudi Arabia. His view is that the American presence in the Holy Land is a thing that is against religion and unacceptable.

The Saudi royal family has allowed Americans to land off in Saudi Arabia, which was a big shock to Mr. Laden. Osama bin laden express their disappointment and anger towards this decision of the Saudi royal family to Americans allowed to land in the country. After that it becomes more against America and shows his aggression towards Saudi Arabian command also.

Pro-Israeli US policy.

A question more of extreme dislike of Osama Bin Laden to divisions of the United States is support untouched the Israeli stance on the Arab region unfair. Many Arabs agree with Osama on this point that the United States is an unfair peace negotiator.

All the people who favor it believe that the United States approves all usurpations military Israel if they are in accordance with international law or not. According to Osama American in the Gulf, existence was as a bee in his bonnet; above all that the Israeli occupation and in favour of the Jews in even more aggravated circumstances.

Because the United States are capitalist

There are other opinions. One of the basic reasons of hatred of bin laden is the position of the United States as an entrepreneur. Osama and view his followers is that America wanted to occupy the oil wealth of Arab countries in a very systematic and organized.

Another complaint I had was that the United States uses its military and economic power without regard to the United Nations resolutions. The United States use their powers to influence the leaders of the third world to serve its policy and have influence on the countries to maintain its status as a superpower.


Osama bin laden and his followers charged anything else in the United States that the United States is using its power in the countries where it has previously military occupation and the Governments of these countries are similar puppets for him.

They also blame the United States to dismiss the Government turn against him and deny to accept your order.

There may be other factors about it why Bin Laden don't like America or hate it. It may be that even the least that these factors are present the issue of terrorism and insurgency is difficult to resolve. It also seems that it is difficult to bring any improvement in the political situation in the Middle East without resolving such problems.

You might be interested in learning about Hitler hate Jews and also Osama hate America because it makes.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

CNN used Ovi Maps 3D stream Royal Wedding route

Today it is a very important day for the British, and I doubt there's a man who are not aware of the marriage of William and Catherine Middleton is. Regardless of the citizenship and age of millions of people watched the ceremony on TV or online.

It is therefore interesting topics Queen Elizabeth got extra days off to watch the event. This morning I talked with my friends and discovered that they are all impatient to see something, so I decided to search the net hoping to find something special, usual. I found it!

Today, that CNN Ovi Maps 3D in their emissions the Royal wedding procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. When you look at it, can you do that you're there, in London.

So it is unusual for me like a few days ago I wrote about Ovi Maps 3D doesn't I think, that this function can be used in such cases, but as you can see Ovi Maps makes wonders.

Below is a video Streaming on CNN, and if you are closer to the Ovi Maps in 3D, the second video is presented for viewing comfort.

And here is the second video:


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Nokia and Navteq join forces

Nokia is working hard to regain lost market share. The first thing that the company did was to switch to another platform for high-end smartphones and Nokia and Microsoft have a final agreement, is no doubt in the near future to see Nokia products with a new face.

But not, of course, moving to Windows phone is very simple, because there are many other aspects, which must be corrected. This time things come to Navteq, Nokia's digital mapping subsidiary.

Internal memo from a Phone Scoop says that Nokia and Navteq decided to reorganize their companies and come together for a new project. This new layout will refer to their mapping and social networking services. So from 1 may, Tero Ojanpera of Nokia and Navteq CEO Larry Kaplan will start a new project that will change in the following three aspects:

New social location applications, services, and the experience of the developer for building brands win and eco-system together with Microsoft High value of the location of the content, enabling differentiated experiencesAnd advertising high-quality network start ecosystem through local trade for brands and merchants.

Well, this means that the social networks of Nokia services will develop in a single organization with Navteq. She is not only different services for Nokia devices and platforms Windows phone development, but will provide various services to other partners B2B Navteq.

The organizers of this project believe "they will drive the next generation of location and the possibility of trade for the entire industry."

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Nokia works on unique Tablet PC

Nokia wants a unique tablet, which are not comparable with those available on the market. "There are currently more than 200 different tablets on the market, only one of them is really good," said Stephen Elop, CEO, Nokia. "I, my appeal to the team is that I don't want to be a tablet on the market of the 201st, which you can see all the others. We need to take a unique Nokia potential. "

Words are not enough, there are a lot of work to be carried out in order to promote the idea. I don't think each manufacturer wanted to make useless tablet.

There is a question about the upcoming tablet. What happens to software as the basis for it? It is a Microsoft product? This is not even clear for the CEO himself, who says: "we can take advantage of Microsoft technologies and software and build a Windows Tablet-oriented or we can do things with certain other assets of the software, which we have. Our team is now assess what is the correct strategy Nokia tablet. "

Most likely the next facilities from design to the end of this year, while the release will be available in the next year. I hope you will be really something fresh!


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Free themes Nokia N8

What are the best ways to upgrade and to decorate the device? Good games and applications, are among the most popular measures, while some continue to believe that the major theme is the best way to decorate your smartphone, especially if it's the Nokia N8.

A lot of interesting topics, you can download the Ovi store. But now I want to talk about themes, top 3, those are just available for free and are not less beautiful than paid.

This topic is pretty clear from the great white shark floating blue water. Menu icons are also called the "painted" impressive colors, while the General Schedule will not be changed.

Regardless of the name seems the theme is not too bright. The background is dark, dark green and resembles a black wood. Despite this, silver and green icons look quite elegant. I think the contrast of colors looks simply amazing and it will be the perfect theme for entrepreneurs and business women.

This topic is too crazy to stay. Blue comes in different shades of the more interesting theme. Can't make calls easy on the eye. There is simply no way to get used to the theme. Icon theme developed in lighter and softer colors in contrast to the more aggressive the background.

Themes can be downloaded from the Ovi store.


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Nokia is working on a new device, Vertu

After the change of CEO Nokia went through some other important changes. First, the manufacturer has decided to let Symbian. This caused much inconvenience, since a lot of applications and features gadgets were strongly associated with it. And then Nokia decided to start a new season with Windows Phone 7 instead of the world's popular Android, although Microsoft product is not this been popular.

Some claim that as a result of all that are not really positive changes in Nokia fire around 4,000 employees. These workers were primarily work in Denmark, Great Britain and Finland. They will have to find new jobs, before 2012. Another 3,000 workers will be transferred to Accenture.

But anyway, we still have heard news about the development of new gadget Vertu (Vertu is a division of Nokia). This time the device is recognized with carbon fiber. Devices with Symbian OS will be developed in two different versions. The first version will be made of polished stainless steel, while the second is made of 18 K Gold equipment also be considered in support of Vertu lifestyle. This is the most requested feature for gadgets Vertu.

The price of both versions are quite high, as in the case of devices of Vertu all.


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Nokia 7000 jobs

About a week ago Nokia has signed a contract with Microsoft, and now the company plans to restructure its business and refocusing on the Smartphone. That seems to be the main reason that the company intends to cut about 7,000 jobs next year.

3,000 workers (mainly from China, Finland and India) will be transferred to outsourcing and consultancy group Accenture, what happens on the acquisition of Nokia Symbian software and 4,000 jobs worldwide will be cut (especially in Britain, Denmark and Finland).

Approximately 132,400 persons in the Nokia last year, including those who work in 58,600 operations equipment and services, so these tasks make up about 5 percent of the 7,000 Nokia's global workforce.

Stephen Elop, former CEO of Microsoft, who joined Nokia as the Chief Executive in September, earlier said that some reduction of employment were expected in Nokia: "with this new focus, we will also reductions in our workforce."

"This is a difficult reality, and we work closely with our employees and partners to the long-term programmes talented people Nokia will lose," he added.

It seems that with these actions that it tries to restore his Nokia lost market share in Apple and HTC. Will it work? Nobody knows. He says the job cuts will save the company 1 billion euros (1.46 billion dollars) in operating costs until 2013, the rest will be announced shortly.

Source 1, source 2

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You may receive one of the 5 free Nokia E7s

Nokia E7 is a new "ultimate business smartphone," which is increasing popularity in the world WINS. It was released in the United Kingdom not so long ago, so I think there are many people who this phone that, but have a chance to get it yet.

If any of these, I have some good news for you, now you have a good chance one of the five Nokia E7s free. Go to the Facebook page of Nokia, reported information and expectations. 75 000 people be Nokia fans, five of them will be selected for their free Nokia E7s.

"We got 5 Nokia E7s up for grabs – after we hit 75 K fans, one of them could be yours," said Facebook page.

I would remind you that Nokia E7 the current flagship of the company with large 4-inch touchscreen (640 × 360) and QWERTY keyboard slide. 680 MHz processor, 256 MB RAM and 1 GB ROM along with 8 MP camera with dual LED Flash make very attractive smartphone.

Nokia E7 comes in five different colours (dark grey, white, silver, green, blue and orange). I'm not sure that the color will five phones Nokia Facebook page, but I hope at least one of them is green, and that will be mine:)

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