Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama swung the election

With all the noise about undecided voters in the U.S. during the summer of 2004, it is safe to assume more than two percent were undecided a few weeks before the election. Among the decideds, a number equal to or greater than swung their votes at the drop of a hat. Usama came on TV and told them that do not support George Bush. Then they went to the polls and have proven their patriotism, doing exactly what Osama expected them to do. So why Osama wants this President re-elected?

The fact is that the war against terrorism is the best thing that ever happened to Osama, Pakistan, and George Bush, who share many secret agreements between them. This has been the case since November 2001, when Pakistan, George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Tommy Franks agreed to airlift up to 4000 members of Al Qaeda from the city of Konduz, Afghanistan. security in Pakistan. Another 4000 members of Al Qaeda were allowed to head for the border on the ground. Where are they now? Spain? France? Germany? Holland? England? Canada? Mexico? Iraq? Who cares?

This treason, high treason, was reported in the news of revised, now with PBS Bill Moyers, Friday, 21 February 2003 and must have reached over two million viewers. The drums of war are beating loudly for the invasion of Iraq, so the fact is, Commander in Chief of America has betrayed not only the American people and the armed forces, but a world of suffering is not possible to resolve conflicts without violence. This demonstrates the whole war on terrorism a huge fraud to increase the size, cost and power of Governments around the globe. This is of no interest to anyone that I know of. Who is there to say no thanks?

If you belong to the Republican party, you can now get away with murder, are innocent victims in Iraq, u.s. military forces or foreign captives. Isn't that exciting-intoxicants? War isn't great? It makes you proud to vote? Can you guess who will pay the price of these crimes, done on behalf of democracy, freedom and American security?

No single person in all Islam has done more to recruit and ignite the terrorists than George w. Bush in the past three years. And Osama in hiding the last three years, if not in Pakistan? So why Osama wants someone other than George Bush as President of the United States? To save the most precious American lives? Of course, this is what he says in his videos, but don't believe it for a minute. It would be unpatriotic to believe an enemy, isn't it? Of course it would. It doesn't matter if your enemy speaks any truth, is his duty to ignore him or call him a liar. Good boy! Good girl!

Osama has spoken frankly America since he was important enough to attract foreign media attention. Ask any reporter in corporate fascist mass media Amerikan why George Bush was re-elected, and they will tell you. Is the war against terrorism, dummy. John Kerry can't be trusted to do the same BANG up job that George Bush is doing to protect us, such as big brothers are supposed to do. It is more honest admission, you will never hear of them. Osama tells the truth, knowing that honesty is not a value that is important in an election. He can sleep with a clear conscience and without fear of George Bush.

Osama has been very kind and gentle in its relations with America. America has sold truth by appearances and his soul for your lifestyle. And there is health in us. America could elect a President more appropriate than a traitor who is sacrificing children than to the great God Molech, on behalf of freedom and democracy.

America needs humility more willingly as the rest of the world sees so clearly. His humility can come only by violent force because his arrogance ignorant progressed beyond mitigation self. Hang on-the party barely started. One who loves correct us.

We are the great Satan has been labeled nodes. It is the only thing we can think to say about it. Who, us? We are the greatest nation on Earth, and if you say otherwise we kill him! Never once occur to us that other people can see us as we are. We have no problem of self-image. We have a problem of moral substance. As Sodom, we need a lawyer like Abraham to intercede for our ten righteous men – all to no avail. Or maybe I'm wildly exaggerating the problem, don't you wish?

Spoke of Osama and Washington ignored as was his habit. He sent us a wake up call. Washington invaded Iraq. The rest of us tapped the button on our snooze alarm. Our message to Osama? That is the best you got? Aren't we clever? We don't need a serious ass kicking? Is the path.

Ed Howes sought and found. knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit , or do a search by author here at Ezine articles.

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