Saturday, November 19, 2011

Por que foi Osama Bin Laden realmente enterrado tão logo após sua morte?

Yesterday, I wrote an article stating that bury the body of Osama bin Laden out at sea was a terrible idea so soon after his death without first that show it to the media as proof of his death. So even if kept in accordance with Islamic law or practices have to bury a body out in the sea inside 12:0 am that actually would have given the United States has enough time to show the body to the media before disposing of it the way they eventually did.

However I find it odd that a body would be buried at sea so soon after the death. After all, I imagine that some Muslims do not live anywhere near a sea or ocean that would make it more difficult to do anything of the sort and much less within 12:0 am after death. Of course, taking account of the cost of such a burial, especially for those who live far from the ocean. However just thought to myself that perhaps, as is Muslim tradition. I currently not really knowing what it was that I had heard something about bodies having to be buried facing toward Mecca, but this again was something I wasn't really sure.

This morning however I woke up to see that someone had commented on my article that this was not the case with Islamic law. This person adding that if nothing bury a body out at sea was not allowed under Islamic law. At this point, I started wondering what the Islamic law was really that led me to search the internet for information to confirm that this person had told me. It was then that I discovered that in fact, according to Islamic law bury a body out in the sea is not the way to do it. I've read however that such a practice can be accepted, but only in extreme cases that the person may have died at sea which clearly was not what happened with respect to Osama bin Laden.

All that taking me to the question that many people seem to be wondering or at least on my site that is "why was Osama bin Laden really buried out in the sea so soon after his death and before his body could be shown in the media?". It was not, of course, in an attempt to keep with the Islamic law that even forbids this practice. This basically means that Americans neither understand completely wrong regarding Islamic tradition or perhaps that reason gave us was but a poor coverage up to hide the real cause of why Osama bin Laden's body was not shown to the media. In all this, I wonder and I see that I'm not alone in this; who gave the order for the body of Osama bin Laden to be disposed of in such a way?

Of course, a lot of this only takes the speculation that Osama bin Laden might be still alive or that he was not killed by American forces, but perhaps died before and this is just a way to make it seem that he was killed by American forces. After all, it's a strange story that he supposedly was living in a place in a large city so near a military installation and that the Government of Pakistan supposedly knew nothing about it.

I would also like to know how next year's presidential elections plays a role in all this, especially given that the Democrats don't really so well last year the medium-term elections. In all this I remember back in 92 when Abimael Guzmán was captured in Peru, he served the then Peruvian President; Fujimori as a platform on which he was elected to a second term in Office. This making me wonder if Obama uses this murder that I'm starting to question never took place as a way to get votes in the presidential election next year. This be just as Fujimori made in Peru with the capture of Abimael Guzmán. This also because the economic recovery that Obama spoke about hasn't really happened the way he promised would be back in 2008.

My name is Gianni Truvianni and I would like to thank those who put my article here and I hope that whoever reads it fun. I would also like to thank this website by respecting the rights of my author, many places have no such considerations; then it's good to see that this makes.

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