Saturday, November 5, 2011

Osama may be dead, but the United States would fail in Afghanistan

Osama Bin Laden is dead. After spending billions of dollars, the United States finally reached the goal of eliminating the man responsible for the carnage of 9/11. Seems more like an act of revenge, as the death of Osama won't achieve the main goal-to eradicate the Islamic terrorism. After all, Osama, during the last years, was a man on the run and with little contact with the outside world. He was also a sick man with kidney failure and dialysis to survive. He was not actively directly address any terrorist activity since he was on the run. The stories made by the us that was planning massive attacks against the United States would have accredited by only the gullible. After all what is the evidence and where the evidence? Recently they put a story that Osama was probably interested in watching pornographic videos.

The weakest link in the U.S. on an asset Osama theories is that this man hated technology. He avoided any kind of modern technology probably from fear of detection. Have an occasional contact with a pair of post offices has never been enough to create major incidents anywhere. Thus, the Elimination of Osama was just a symbolic act, telling the world that an attack against the United States would never be forgotten.

Osama may have been killed, but the war against terrorism is far from over. This is also precisely why the United States would flop in Afghanistan. There is an appropriate and well oiled factory for the production of terrorists. Situated in Pakistan. He is alive and kicking. This network of support to terrorists was exactly what was responsible for Osama escape detection for so long. It's not that the Americans were aware of these activities. Of course, they knew that there were elements in Pakistan, providing support and sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists. The CIA Chief put it in proper perspective when he said the United States did not share information about Abbotabad with Pakistan for fear of information leaks on the American attack comprised of Osama. This would have allowed Osama escape once more.

There is a big problem in Pakistan. Nobody really knows how to anyone who is running the country. The army is a law unto itself. The ISI is playing their own games. The civil government has no say in anything. There are elements within the army and the ISI which are friendly to the cause of extremism. That was precisely because the three-storied mansion has been ' reported ' Abbotabad. It may seem strange that Osama was living within 800 metres of the Pakistan Military Academy. Everything about the building stood out like a sore thumb.

Why would the US biting the dust in Afghanistan? That would be because of the reluctance of Pakistanis to eliminate the Taliban. The Pakistanis pretending to fight against the Taliban in the Afghan border and at the same time also train them. This is because they don't want the Taliban to be eliminated. The Pakistanis want to control Afghanistan by the Taliban. There is another reason. The Americans would pour in money and weapons only while the Taliban is there. Thus, the Pakistanis would ensure that the Taliban is never completely wiped out. This way, continued help from the United States is ensured. Thus, the inability of the United States wants Pakistan's double game watch, or helplessness in doing something about it, will extract a huge cost of the United States. It is precisely because the United States cannot expect success in Afghanistan.

Dr. Vangeepuram Satakopan

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